Colonoscopy (analysis of large intestine) and fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy(analysis of oesophagus-stomach-duodenum) may be performed under general anesthesia or sedation.
Colonoscopy may be performed under general anesthesia when a patient is in deep sleep or under sedation when sleep is superficial.
Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopymay be performed under sedation without or with local anesthesia when patient‘s throat is sprayed with local anesthetics. General anesthesia is not performed for patient‘s safety.
Every anesthesia and especially a general one have certain risks. The risk goes higher if a patient has severe concomitant diseases (severe hypertension, myocardial infarction in the past, heart valve disease, heart and other organs failures), if he/she had severe allergic reactions or complications during previous anesthesia times. You are advised to discuss method and place of anesthesia with anesthesiologist before the procedure if higher risk for anesthesia is suspected.
Intravenous catheter is obligatory in case of general anesthesia or sedation and it will be input by anesthesiologist-reanimatologist doctor or nurse.
After anesthesia patient‘s reaction may be subdued, therefore for 2 hours you are not allowed to walk alone and for 24 hours not to drive alone. Therefore you should find someone in advance who will take care of you.